Something that really bugs me about photography
In photography or anything in life, everyone has something that really bugs them by the way something looks or how it looks, its just a part of how people see things.
There are many things that really bug me about photography, and one of them is when critics judge the photo by the way it looks, and when they actually have to go into detail of what they dislike about the photo. Like there are other critics that really enjoy and are in love with the photograph, and theres just the one critic who has different taste and shows no interest to the picture.
Another i think that bugs me about photography is when people put pictures in Black and White ! Usually photographers that use black and white may think that it makes the picture look better than its orignal color. There are many models with beautiful skin tones, hair color, or at least a little sunlight, but why do photographers nowadays use black and white? Many believed having black and white photography gives the picture a more serious and proper look like the one below for example. Sometimes, i usually disagree with what they say. I feel that having black and white just shows another style of color than having multiple colors on a photo. Also, i feel that having this effect, shows that it gives this depressing look, like it doesnt have any feel to it, it is just more serious.
Now another thing i feel that bothers me and may be the number thing that everyone feels bothered by, is photoshopping. Yes, the photoshops where people change a photo to look like something else or showing the same piece of artwork when it looks like someone elses. They say that having to photoshop pictures, it enhances the image or by using the creators imagination to make something big. It has mainly allowed photographers to expand their abilities and go all out on photography. Basically photoshop enables photographers to do what the camera couldnt do when it was made, because maybe you want to go beyond of the picture you took and turned it into something better. One photographer says that, "When you're focused on the moment and on capturing that thing that might not ever happen again in the history of the world, getting the horizon right and getting the light - all that stuff - perfect doesn't always happen. And in that case Photoshop serves as a sort of safety net and really helps me in my job." Overall with the whole photoshopping, I honestly just feel that photoshopping images are saying that the picture isn't real. It's saying that doing all the creativity to a piece of work is like a lie that people only photoshop to make a picture look good or the way they want it to be. Or another reason could be that people pose a picture as their own, meaning they photoshop the image to make it look better than the original creator who made it and takes it as if they're the ones that made the picture.
So basically, this is what really bugs me about photography the most. It is just by the criticism, the change of filter, and mainly the photoshopping. Out of the three, these are just ways photographers want to make the picture look more amazing than they originally had and want it to be pure perfection rather than having a boring photo.