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Appearance or Personality?

What is more important to you... appearance or personality? how and what do you do to show that in a picture?

Between appearance and personality, we look at people in society through a series of lenses and through perspective ways. The thought of appearance and personality is that you have an appearance that only society will see you through your looks and how they will only judge the person by what they look like. Versus that is where personality comes into the picture, and it is where the inside of a personality CAN affect a person's personality. How so? Well every appearance has a personality but I believe the most importance is to personality. Personality affects your acts, how you capture moments, and how you are able to identify the person you are by what you do. For every personality, there is always a postive and negative side, and to think of it, your emotions and the actions you do affect who you are and what you are to society and to yourself as well. If you think about it this way, as you grow older, you start to develop appearance and personality at the same time, but what is really more important, the way you look or the way you act?

In this case, personality is althought more difficult to change than appearances does, but as you can progress, it can lead to reveal the actual you and the you that will continue on to change and change.

And to make things happen or to work, you have to get along with things to MAKE it work ! The most important to a personality is how you are able to deal with what is, with your surroundings that affect the person you can be, such as for example, appreciating that your friend bought you your favorite gift, so you repaid her by giving her what she wanted. That showed kindness. It showed your OWN act as one part of your personality of optimism and happiness is by gifting others. So basically, what matters is your act amongst not only others, but for also yourself. You can be the person telling the story, a capture image in photography especially. In photography, you are the story. To show this in a picture, it is by how the picture is made, such as posing by a memorable place or the many adventures that follows, you are the story. You may not only be the main focal point, but you symbolize the picture with a personality ! The personality of yours in a photo depends on how you react and what you are reacting to. And the basis to that is to follow your movement. It means to follow and even imagine what you are supposed to do to make your picture a taste of art !

Overall, I believe over appearance and personality, personality is the most importance to not only society or to ourselves, but to a picture. Appearance only brings out the person but, what makes a perfect picture creates a great personality.

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