Photographs that make me laugh

There is always something that can make us smile, enjoy, or even have a little laugh, especially seeing pictures of memories or of even something you love. Maybe they are photographs of puns, jokes, having simple fun, or just a simple photographic memory.
I am going to first start off with the hilarious and humorous puns of the world ! No one can ever lose a laugh from puns, puns are amazing and brings some entertainment. So if you don't know what a pun is which we all do, a pun is basically a joke that makes a play on words. Here are a couple of examples of some common puns. From a mushroom to saying he is a fungi, when they mean a "fun guy", or when Simba was walking way too slow, so I told him to Mufasa, or "move faster". Any Harry Potter fans out there? how about they can Slytherin to any conversation.
Puns, jokes, anything is apart of photography, and that is what gets those critics bring back good ol' laughs.
Another that photographs make me laugh would also be photobombing. Isn't photobombing great? I just love the enthusiasm they give and showing off how goofy they are. Photobombing is the act of accidentally or purposely putting oneself into the view of a photograph basically. Photobombing pictures makes me laugh because when someone is taking an actual picture and they are really serious about it, before the last second, someone pops in and messes up the whole image. Sometimes when people are rushing to take only one shot because of time, they would get real mad, but in the end the photobombers' faces are honestly just priceless. Another would be running up to a random persons' shot, total strangers to them, and for fun, you just happen to sneak your head in for the photobomb right there. I believe the best part of photobombing people is the photobombers reactions or the people that were originally suppose to take a picture do or do not notice the person hiding there.
How about another reason why photographs make me laugh? I think about the off-guard kind of pictures. With off-guard pictures, it is the best one yet ! I love how they purposely make the most hilarious faces that have me dying. That is actually my big Sister, who is 100% in most pictures, creates the most ugliest but funniest faces ever. Sometimes that is why I love her, is just for her face. Like photobombing, when you take an off-guard picture, and the time you take a picture is a serious moment, then at the last minute you decide to look somewhere else or pop yourself up to make the funniest faces ever.
Maybe another photograph that can make me laugh would honestly be a simple photographic memory. Why? because behind every picture is a story or a memory to remember and that would be one of the best pictures yet. They can even make you laugh out of nowhere, you would just be glad you captured the shot.
Again, there is always going to be something that can make us smile, laugh until our stomach hurts, or to just enjoy the moment you begin to laugh. Every image that is captured creates a beautiful memory, a fun time to enjoy yourself or with each other to bring the best and amazing entertainment ever.