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What would life be like if Photography was never invented.

" Photography has made history. It is the world’s most popular hobby, with almost everyone owning some kind of camera. We use it to document family moments, capture phenomena, and reveal beauty and even survey celebrities. It has completely transformed and created the media as we know it now, because photography was invented we now have television and films."

Many people have thought and wondered what life would ever be like if Photography was never invented. If photography was never invented, there would be no everlasting memories and times of adventures. Photography is the essence of art and the way we capture a picture, brings out an endless thought.The way we take a picture of something is based on its meaning, and where would a camera be without them?

Back in the days, the greatest of invention was the ability to create lasting photographs of either metal or paper. According to Louis Jacques Mande Diguerre, the image he formed was by light rays reflected on paper and had stabled it from the use of chemisty. From many years ago to overtime, technology has evolved to a greater experience to catch. Before photography was made, people only saw pictures through paintings or drawings back in the 1800s, that was the way photography was formed at first. When it was first invented, pictures were seen as representations of a scene and had given a way for people to lie through an image that were realistic and believable. In many ways, we would not be able to see our memories that we make, the beauty we discover, and learning from our pictures of the past and creating that moment of time. Some say that "photography creates jobs, broadcasts culture and events and more importantly it has aided us in almost every aspect of our lives either directly or indirectly. From seeing a man walk on the moon to 3-D x-rays, and helping what a photograph can provide for anything out there."

For what pictures are worth, they mean a LOT to society. For one simple picture, it could actually make you as famous as you are because of the art you created. Examples would be like the one man walking on the moon, a world viewchanger of the Vietnam War, a time of Nelson Mandela, etc. It doesn't matter how good the picture looked, its based on the feature and the story behind every photograph that catches those viewers to be in touch with that particular photo.

The news we should be aware of, the anti-social we would become, and without knowing whats really out there without basic life of pictures, we would not really know what the world would be going through.

Basically, photography is everything. It allows us to see the reality of the world we live in and telling someone something without an image in mind, they wouldn't believe you without the proof there is. If photography had not been invented today we would be lacking a beautiful form of art and creativity.

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